“Look after the land, and the land will look after you. Destroy the land, and the land will destroy you”,

If we want a sustainable and economically viable future, it’s imperative that the industries change their way of being in this planet. Even though the ceramic industry isn’t 100 % green, there are several solutions we can adopt in order to turn this industry into a more sustainable one.

It is with the commitment of becoming a greener industry that our company, CMG CERAMICS, implemented the following measures: 

Investment in Renewable energies:

Renewable energy is clean energy that comes from natural sources or processes. For example, sunlight or wind keep. Contrary to non-renewable energy (fossil fuels), natural sourced energy doesn’t produce air pollutants or greenhouse gases, and have few environmental impacts.

In 2018 We installed 670 photovoltaic panels in our FIVO factory. In one year, we reduced our coal consumption by 106,36 t which is equivalent to approximately 15 036 trees and kept 271,08 t of CO2 from entering our atmosphere.

We plan to equally install these photovoltaic panels in our CMG factory; however, we are still waiting for the permit.

Waste management:

Whenever waste is not recycled or recovered, it represents a loss of raw material and other inputs used in the chain. If managed properly, waste can represent a resource rather than a problem.

Every time it is possible, we reuse our ceramic waste, such as plaster moulds ceramic shavings and bisque, however, when it isn’t possible, we work with a credited company to manage our ceramic waste.

Raw materials:

By reusing raw materials and reducing the use of virgin raw materials we are minimizing the number of materials involved and all the associated environmental impacts. In our factory we do an internal reincorporation of 100% of bisque and shavings in the ceramic paste; reuse our ceramic glazes, via the internal glaze recycling unit; recycle the Plaster moulds and prioritize clay suppliers that restore the soil after the extraction of clay.


Even though water is a finite resource, if well managed, can be renewable and can play a key enabling role in strengthening the resilience of social, economic and environmental systems.

In CMG ceramics we do a treatment of all industrial water through ETARI and reuse all treated water;


Every time it is possible, we opt for recycled cardboard packages or prefer any other compostable material instead of plastic.

We are immensely proud of the progresses we already accomplished; however, we are aware that there is still a long way to go.

Check out our sustainability page for a deeper understanding of our sustainable project.

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